Candid images of President Obama's visit to the Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Headquarters on July 31, 2014. A brief speech, a thank you to Shaun Donovan, former HUD Secretary, and a welcome to the 16th Secretary of Housing, Julian Castro. Opting to stand in line hours in advance of doors opening, I entered the small auditorium and headed to the left of the stage hoping to find a great spot to hold my camera above my head. As the crowd swelled, I was pushed closer to the front, placing me in a most perfect spot to capture the excitement of the crowd, the off-stage moments as political appointees and politicians mingled feet away from me, and an amazing angle to capture the President. Yes, I shook the President's hand! Images: Olympus OM-D & Iphone w/ Photoshop + Totally Rad RadLab processing.